The brand new Solidarity Association of ENAC is the office dedicated to sustainable development and humanitarian actions, not only within the ENAC campus but outside of it too. The aim of this office is to sensitize students and professors to current social and environmental issues. The main idea is to make the access to charity programs easier for you and to help you to develop your social or environmental projects.

These are some of the projects we have already beagun working on :

    We organize maraudes in partnership with an external association – we bring food and discussion to homeless people in downtown Toulouse ;
    We are working to build a
henhouse with the idea to recycle foodremains from the school refectory – plus, it should give us good quality eggs too 
    We are reopening the vegetable garden – we would like to create an AMAP system which consists in offering a vegetable basket with some eggs to people in return for a subscription ;
    We have a partnership with Hôpital Sourire, an association that helps and provides equipment for children of Toulouse’s and Muret’s hospital ;
    Organization of events where profits will be given to charity programs ;
    Creation of a solidarity market for the students that leave ENAC to sell their furniture and household appliances to future students of ENAC and help them make their move-in easier.

If you are interested in our cause or if you want to develop an environmental/social project, we will be pleased to have you by our side!

Everyone can be part of the Solidarity Office, even on your first year at ENAC ! You can also participate on a case-by-case basis in our events such as the maraudes, or humanitarian actions without being an active member of the club.

The Solidarity Association team – 2018


President of the Solidarity Association - IENAC17